February 9, 2025



The ANCD was established as part of the Federal government’s response to reduce the harm caused by drugs in our community. An important component of the ANCD’s work is to ensure that policies, strategies and directions in the drug and alcohol field are consistent with the National Drug Strategic Framework.

The National Drug Strategic Framework recognises the importance of building partnerships. It clearly states that the framework’s effectiveness depends on cooperation between a very broad range of sectors. It is with this in mind that the Prime Minister established the Australian National Council on Drugs. The Council occupies a unique position by virtue of its role in enhancing the partnership between government and the community. It has pivotal advisory, advocacy and representative functions, with a significant role to provide government Ministers with independent, expert advice on matters related to licit and illicit drugs.

The ANCD brings to the national effort expertise from volunteer and community organisations, law enforcement, health and social welfare fields. The cooperation of these fields is vital to the comprehensiveness of Australia’s policy response to alcohol and other drug issues in our community.

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